Living your masculinity in all arenas of life.
We have curated 20 targeted presentations that address the core issues and fundamental questions of living our manly calling in some of the most important areas of life. Consider this conference a deep dive into the true nature of our masculinity.
The Holiness of Man
The Spouse of a Man
The Difficulties of a Man
The Fatherhood of a Man
The Hobbies of a Man
The Hope of a Man
The Lies of the World About Men
The Routine of a Man
The Needs of a Man
The Idols of Today's Man
The Prayer of a Man
The Wounds of a Man
The Healing of a Man
The Honor of a Man
The Faith of a Man
The Vocation of a Man
The Strength of a Man
The Spirituality of a Man
The Triumph of a Man
The Desires of a Man